Against this background, can develop renal hypertension, which occurs in 20% of pregnant women with the GON When malignant course of hypertension develops contracted kidney and chronic renal failure. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Sir Donald Gordon. Infection of the ureter wall violates its peristalsis, leading to stasis of urine. Infection in the renal pelvis contributes to the formation of stones traumatizing the epithelium of the urinary tract. A vicious circle – against the backdrop of pregnancy reduced the evacuation of urine, promoting infection and urinary tract infection exacerbates stasis and severity of pathological process. Mon agents in pregnant women are often opportunistic microorganisms. E. coli is planted in 36-88% of pregnant women and causes sclerosis of the renal pelvis, perinephric fat and renal capsule. Proteus (5-20%) their enzymes cleave proteins and urea to form ammonia and other substances that damage the epithelial cells of kidney and ureter. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Julian Brown art by clicking through.
This infection causes stone formation, and has relapsing course. From urine pregnant sow as Klebsiella, enterococci, etc. But the most common pathogens are gram-negative microorganisms Mon – streptococcus group D and B, staphylococci and micrococci. Inflammation of the kidneys can also cause Candida, Mysoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Trichomonas vaginalis, anaerobic bacteria. If you find a fresh course, usually a pathogen, with long existing – a few. The clinical picture are acute and chronic Mon emergence or worsening Mon frequently occurs in 22-28 weeks of pregnancy, when sharply rising levels of sex and steroid hormones. This period is critical for pregnant women, patients with acute Mon Mon starts with raising the temperature to 38-40o C, chills, headache, pain in the limbs.