TEXTlation Language
English Internet page it can’t do without with 478 million users worldwide, English is the most widely used language on the Internet. More than a quarter of all Internet users at all are. 228 million, so about half of all English-speaking users come from the United States, another 47 million from Great Britain exactly the two countries, which are located in the German export statistics for 2008 on place 2 and 3 behind France. So his company’s international expansion or build up would like to, can no longer dispense on translations into English. According to PayNet Inc., who has experience with these questions. This applies especially for the company’s own website, but also for other marketing materials such as company brochures, press releases, product information, presentations, datasheets manuals etc., All these materials, in English translated, open new markets, promote the international expansion and represent a competitive advantage.
First impressions count. It is especially in the initiation of new business abroad essential to attract potential customers in their own language. Or linger long on a site that you don’t understand? “, asks Julia James, that helps you daily different companies as owner of TEXTlation to overcome the language barrier and thus boosting their international businesses. It is extremely important to pay attention to the quality of the translation”, so the translator and PR author next. As well as good translations increase the image, so bad can cause harm to it.”