Public Service
The reduction will be of 75%para companies of more than 250 workers. Thus, to favor their indefinite contract conversion, the companies will have right to a reduction of the social quote of 1,500 annual Euros during three years (1,800 annual Euros in case of contracting a women), when to its conclusion the contract for the formation and the learning is transformed into an indefinite contract and supposes creation of fixed use in the company. Prorogation of the 400 Euros On the other hand, as it was predicted, the Government has approved the prorogation of the Plan Prepares that it contemplates the aid of 400 Euros to the unemployed who have exhausted their benefit until the 15 of February of 2012 by " social justice and effectiveness econmica". Thus it has evaluated White Jose, adding who " nor the society can allow itself that nobody is left nor the economy by chance can be allowed that an important part of the capital is failed to take advantage of humano". The Government tries with this measurement " to help to the people in situation of unemployment in its professional requalification so that they can get up itself to new positions of trabajo" while they receive an economic aid during a maximum of six months. Until the moment, according to official data, near 128,000 people in unemployment who have exhausted their benefit or subsidy by unemployment they have participated in this program. Indemnifications by dismissal Besides the measures before mentioned, the norm will prorogue until 2013 the payment on the part of the Fogasa from the indemnifications by dismissal, although only in the cases of originating dismissals, while the development of a negotiating process will delay to the first semester of 2013 to implant the bottom of capitalization decided by Government and social agents.
Also it will establish that within six months from their entrance in force the measures necessary will have to take themselves to integrate the Public Service of State Use and the Fogasa in a unique organism, and will prorogue a year more, until the end of 2013, the advantages to the temporary contract conversion in fixed. Regulation of aerial rates the Cabinet not only has approved measures labor. Also dice the approval to a decree-law by which the Commission of Airport Economic Regulation is created, an organ that will dissolve the discrepancies that arise between AENA, the future concessionary companies of Barajas and the Prat and the airlines. According to it explained to title of Promotion, White Jose, the new commission will supervise that the aerial tariffs pay attention with " independence, transparency and objetividad" , and so the transposition of the European directive is complemented. The new organ supposes a step more in the process of " reform estructural" of the airport system to gain competitiveness in so excellent sectors for the Spanish economy like the tourism, it said Target. Source of the news: The Government gives via free, during two years, to the limitless temporary contract linking