Portugal Way
As Azevedo, ' ' it is not to write a segmented text correct, but yes to inside have a cohesion of the context, finishing with the idea of that to write correto' ortograficamente; '. It fits to the educator to run away from the rules, grammatical and giving emphasis to the content contained in the context. Being thus, the union of letters of our together alphabet that if to transmit in words, that are not coherent with the ortogrfico system, and the same time if no phonetic interpretation, in which they are possible representations d sound. as soon as if of the right o of if educating, to give the voice to the other, to recognize its rights of each citizen has its origin, that is, each region has its proper dialect. The alterations introduced in the orthography of the Portuguese language for the o ortogrfico agreement of Portuguese language, signed in Lisbon, October of 1990, for Portugal, green Handle, Guin-Bissau, Moambique, and later for Timor East.
This simply ortogrfico agreement and for in such a way restricts it written language not affecting no aspect of the said language. The express language to the culture of the community says that it, transmitting through the generations involved of this community, having a insupervel conflict enters the ideal of uniformity of a ortogrfico system and the verbal reality of a language characterized for how much in such a way regional the social variation. As Antonio Houaiss affirms that, the one of the most important institutions on Portuguese language in any form of written communication. It is basic so that all know the new rules that go to conduct the language and for who it wants to write correctly. For in such a way the languages they are as they are in virtue of the use that its falante makes of it, and not of agreements of groups or decrees of government.