People Comparison
Until almost the end of century XX still it had studious of the leadership subject defending the theory of the traces. Kirkpatrick and Locke, in 1991, had written that, without shade of doubts, leaders they were not equal people to the other people, at least in six areas: (1) disposal; (2) desire of to lead; (3) honesty and integrity; (4) autoconfiana; (5) cognitiva ability; (6) knowledge of the business. The only change that Kirkpatrick and Locke had added to the theory of the traces is that these natural qualities could as much being as well as be learned. In 1990, for the first time, a voice was arisen to include in the quarrel on leadership the traces that women would bring for the equation. It is of this time the article of Judy Rossener, where it categorizes leader women as capable to share to be able and information of what the men.
This researcher was very fought then and currently by this estereotpica generalization of leader women. They observe Table 1, that it brings a comparative degree enters the main traces of leadership. Table 1 Comparison enters the traces of Leadership, for reference author. Stogdill (1948) Stogdill (1974) Mann (1959) Lord (1986) Kouzes and Posner (1987) Bennis (1989) Kirkpatric and Locke (1991) IntelignciImpulso stop liderarIntelignci Intelignci Honestidade Administration of foco Disposio Ateno Vigor and persistence in reaching metas Masculinidade Masculinidade Competncia Administration of significadoDesejo to lead Responsabilidade Empreendedorismo and originalidade in the resolution of problemas Ajustamento Dominnci Viso Administration of confian Honestidade Iniciativ Iniciativa in situations sociais DominnciInspirao Administration pessoalIntegridade Persistnci Autoconfiana and sense of identity pessoal Extroverso Autoconfiana Autoconfian Disposio to accept the consequncias of its decisions and cognitiva aes Conservadorismo Habilidade Sociabilidade Facilidade to absorb stress interpessoalConhecimento of the business Disposal to tolerate frustrations and delays Ability to influence the behavior of other people Capacity to structuralize systems of social interaction that serve the desired objectives the Theory of the Traces has four main advantages. The first advantage it is to serve very well to the popular image of leaders as special people, stronger and different of the common people.