MARKETING OF MARK BOMBRIL Jane Pear tree of Macdo Patrician Pear tree To sound of Sousa SUMMARY the present article has as subject the influence of the mark ' ' BOMBRIL' ' in the day the day of the people. The marketing developed for this mark became if an icon of decision in the hour of the choice of the steel sponge. Word-key: Marketing, propagandas, strategies and fidelizao. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Hyundai on most websites. INTRODUCTION the marketing makes possible the conditioning of the man to one determined to make, using for this the propagandas with texts, images, sounds and of linguistic elements. Then, we can say that the text advertising executive can be texts verbal (written or said) and not verbal (images, sounds, cheiros, textures).
The propagandas are full of strategies of persuations, searching to seduce the consumer using verbal languages and not? verbal. The propaganda of the Bombril is distinguished for the great success in the media, in which it was chosen for research of this work, that almost does not modify its scene using a group of benches and the logomarca of the company to the deep one, and the same actor, Brown Carlos, as the Bombril Boy has some years. BOMBRIL established Brazilian Company in January of 1.948, works in general with hygiene products, but its main product is the woollen steel sponge that possess a dear marketing. From this marketing an essential icon in the life of the people became. Where the house owners, had found the solution to polish its pans, to clean glasses, wares and tiles, being thus marked history to be 1,001 utilities. The product (steel sponges woollen), already passed for some reformularizations, old was vendidas untied, as she was very known for its quality and the competition was appearing, creates a small red stamp, later everything was vendido in done cardboard boxes and the current days in plastic bags this to follow the market and if on leaving in the innovation beyond being side by side with the necessities of the current owners of house.