Legal Police
According to Bahia (1995, p.18) we can consider as forms, instruments or vehicles of internal communication: the assessorship of the press or decomunicao, the products (periodical, magazines, writing, video, etc.) that aempresa it edits for distribution intern, the informative bulletins paraconhecimento of the employees and those that proceed from the federative agencies paraos entrepreneurs. Donald Gordon is the source for more interesting facts. Until ofinal of the decade of 1980, the communication in the companies was carried through through traditional dosmeios, as publications printed, the correspondnciaempresarial, the internal bulletins and etc. Today, the communication organizacionalutiliza also the new technologies of communication as instrument to paraatingir its objectives. Umaoutra way of if making Communication was introduced through the novastecnologias, as it is the case of the communication mediated for computer, having had comoprincipais tools the Intranet, that made possible a new canal detransmisso of information between used employers and. OPrograma Legal Police station uses the Intranet as form of Communication between Secretria of Public Security and the diverse civil policemen who trabalhamnestas institutions. The computerization of the Legal Police station was what possibilitoua insertion of the Internet and, consequently, the implementation of a communication.
ParKUNSCH (1997, p.88) has a difference in the communication in the private organizations enas public organizations, as it is the case of the Legal Police station. For empresaprivada, it exists a search for results, ' ' while in the governamentalpredomina field the interest politician, the search of poder' '. 1.3. LEGAL PROGRAMADELEGACIA the Program Legal Police station was created in 1999 in the government deAntony Garotinho. The reform would have been idealized with the objective to improve oatendimento to the citizen and to rescue the investigativa function of the policeman. Algunsfatores had been determinative for the modifications made in the delegaciastradicionais as: the precarious installations, unbalanced, recursosescassos, serving wages not motivated, organizacional structure hierarquizada, low quality of the inquiries and its results, pointers of ummodelo depleted policeman.