Legal Amaznia
Innovative capital: it is a program of support to the companies in the development of innovative activities of systematic form, understanding investments in equipment, constructions and projects. Technological innovation: new support of technological projects that aim at innovation in development of products and/or processes that involve technological risk and chances of market. Criatec program: this program offers managemental support and applies capital in micron and small innovative companies. 3.2BANCO OF BRAZIL Enterprise Urban Proger? This program of the bank of Brazil offers credit facilities for companies who possess the annual rude invoicing of until R$ 5 millions, destined magnifying, modernization or implantation of companies. For more information see Pinterest. 3.3BANCO OF AMAZNIA FNO Sustainable Amaznia (Deep Constitutional of Financing of the North)? This project destines it micron and small companies financing projects of implantation, magnifying, modernization, reform, relocalizao and ambient adequacy of companies in the agro-industrial, industrial sectors, of tourism, infrastructure, commerce and services located in the Region North. Urban Proger Microcompany and Small business companies? This project is a partnership of the Bank of the Amaznia with the National SEBRAE for micron orientation and small entrepreneurs on the credit facilities destined to the sector, promoting seminaries in the Legal Amaznia divulging the attainment of the financing. It has for objective, the magnifying of the access to the credit and financial services for the micron and small companies located in the region of the Legal Amaznia. It finances fixed investment and capital of turn it stops projects of maintenance of work ranks and generation of job and income. 3.4BANCO Northeast FNE Northeast Cresce (Deep Constitutional of northeast Financing)? This project, works in respect to the legal lines of direction of investments for half-barren, the action integrated with the headquartered federal institutions in the Northeast Region, with preferential treatment to the micron and small entrepreneurs for the preservation of the environment, conjugao of the credit with the assistance technique, democratization of the access to the credit and support to the innovative activities.