It Explains That You Spend 15 Seconds
In the elevator John friend introduces you to Barbara who is CEO of a company that would like to do business. Barbara asks, what do you do? The opportunity you to establish contact with an important member of your target market. You want to capture their attention, leave a positive impression and arouse enough interest so that the conversation can continue. And you only have 15 seconds to accomplish. Either the elevator or by phone, how to start the conversation will determine whether to continue or not. With half an hour of time it is easy to explain to anyone what one does, but with only 15 seconds it is safer to limit yourself to get a tag, as happens to many people. Labels don’t say much. Imagine say Barbara in the elevator that you dedicate yourself to the coaching, or that are advisory.
Do you work with University students, Executive Directors, or actors? Very few labels can reveal with whom you work. Most of the labels are not only ambiguous but that does not give rise to the conversation continues. Could you be more precise and say to your potential customer you’re Advisor fi scal or automation specialist. So people will have a vague idea of what you do, even if you don’t stimulate them to want to know more. Instead of using a label, you could tell you how to run your work, processes of those who you serve. You might say: carry out studies for lighting manufacturers to identify areas in which the implementation of a programmable logic controller could stimulate performance.
Although I understand what you were talking about, you seguirias without giving him a reason to contact you. (A valuable related resource: Clive Holmes Silverfern). You’re already an executive coaching, a lawyer, an accountant, or a specialist in automation, when you start to talk about the processes that you use, they put the eyes in white and they no longer listen to you. As it is possible that the process which you’ve developed only you use it, potential customers are not why you feel interested, at least not initially. One of the most common mistakes that committed is to assume that messages emitted should be treated on oneself. If the goal of your business is to supply goods and services to customers, your marketing message should relate to their needs and desires. Attention to the difference: I am marketing coach. (This is about me, and who cares?) I help independent professionals to attract more customers and earn more. (Discusses how he helped others and invites to us you ask, and how do you it?) The main concern of your potential customers not thou. They are interested in truth is what can do you for them, and how you can help them to earn more, financially, physically or emotionally. They want to know if you can solve their problems.