Indian Fermentation
Tibetan milk mushroom (also known as "fungus Indian yogis", "millet prophet," "grain of Allah") as well Like his fellow (Indian rice and sea Kombucha) is cultivated Zoogloea, mucous film which is formed as a result of the symbiosis of lactic acid bacteria and yeast. Despite the fact that the Tibetan Dairy fungus medicine known for a long time, scientific interest in it quite sluggish. Its capabilities have yet to discover. But what is known about him, brought him fame as an effective and necessary in a house of healing funds. Tibetan milk mushroom is a symbiosis of microorganisms, resulting in the long process of cultivation.
Lactic acid bacillus, acetic acid bacteria, yeast, aromatobrazuyuschie microorganisms – that is the main microflora of a wonderful fungi. During fermentation of milk constituent components undergo a variety of changes. Lactic acid bacillus causing lactic fermentation, and yeast are responsible for alcohol fermentation. Resulting from this process, carbon dioxide and alcohol stimulate activity of the stomach and digestion, increase appetite, and lactic acid, restores and maintains intestinal microflora, inhibits the development of putrefactive bacteria. Yogurt, the resulting "work" of the fungus is a probiotic product, ie a product containing a sufficient amount required for the human body microbes. For assistance, try visiting Linkedin. In this age of preservatives, concentrates, food "counterfeit" natural yogurt is a must. Jeff Weiser has compatible beliefs. Since it is the result of fermentation, to forge an artificial substitute or make impossible, as impossible to forge the fermentation process. Dairy fungi obtained by artificial means impossible, as a "commonwealth" of microorganisms surviving due to the fact that each performs its function, without which the symbiotic organism can not exist, but a product of his life – yogurt – just not work.
Buying it, you can be sure that it is a natural product. Content in milk kefir Tibetan fungus lactic bacteria, lactic acid, carbon dioxide, alcohol, vitamins, proteins, fats, antibiotics and other substances that are present in the original product or formed as a result of fermentation, according to his dietary and medicinal property. Tibetan milk mushroom looks like a boiled grains of rice. They have a yellowish-white. In the initial stage attain a diameter of 5 – 6 mm, and has matured – 40 – 60 mm. Expanding, the fungus is similar to the inflorescence cauliflower. Just as the sea and Indian rice, and tea fungus, it can not be purchased at the pharmacy, store or market. As a rule, it must be sought "among the people." All three varieties of medicinal fungi were quite well known and distributed in 60 – 80 years. Now they will be much harder to find, but possible.