European Union
The water is a precious resource. On problems to its availability, want if it deals with a temporary reduction of the which had available amount, for example, to a insufficient precipitation (it dries), or to a lasting situation, where the water necessities exceed the hdricos resources explored in sustainable conditions (water scarcity), they affect numerous regions of the Europe and demand a combination of action the level of European Unio (UE). The climatic alterations will become necessary an intervention still more, since, had they, the prompt or lasting scarcity of water will have trend to increase the management of the problems of water scarcity and of she dries, as much in level of the UE as of State-Member, and relate a certain number of good practical existing in diverse countries. On the degradation of the environment, it fits to disclose that the costs that is, for the effect greenhouse, destruction of the ozone layer, acid rain, deforestation, erosion of the ground and growth of the deserts, loss of innumerable species of plants and animals, toxic contamination of air and the water to impose severe restrictions on breakings of norms and laws of ambient protection and conservation. (RATTNER, 1999, P. 109) It is in this I break up above that Rattner already had alerted that if cannot deal with the economic dimensions as isolated phenomena of the social 0 variable, but is necessary to see them as a set or system of forces interacting reciprocal, and to include the conditions, beliefs and values cultural that exert fort impactao in the economic behavior, with implications in the general and specific politics. The search of a sustainable development understands the interdependence of the economic factors, technician, cultural, politicians and ambient in the process and the application of good ambient technologies is not enough, but it fits to fulfill the requirements in different standards of social relationship, coesas communitarian organizations solidary, based in strong motivation, common identity of group and values and interests. . .