Economic Latin America Reforms
Article: Latin America, the economic reforms, and the financial crisis world-wide Robert Ramalho is lawyer, journalist, writer, contributor, blogueiro and researcher News article of the British magazine ' ' The Economist' ' of 1 week of this August month, before blowing up world-wide the financial crisis, affirms that the countries of Latin America need to speed up the rhythm of its structural reforms to prevent that the region if becomes ' ' hostage of the world exterior' '. According to reviewed British, ' ' the more the countries, mainly the South American, postpone its structural reforms, plus them if they become hostages of the world exterior' ' , it affirms the text, making reference to the dependence of the region in relation to China, main Latin American raw material purchaser. In accordance with the magazine, one of the main impediments of the region is the lack of investments. The news article says that the Latin American economies are if using to advantage of the high international price of commodities, that at the current moment it is generating wealth in the region, to spend more with importation and to foment the increase of the consumption, instead of investing money in the economy. Another important data cited by ' ' The Economist' ' sample that Brazil alone invests 18.5% of its GIP, compared with the index of 49% in China. Already in relation debts, given of Fundo Monetrio Internacional (FMI) disclose that debt average of countries emergent in relation its GIP is of 33,6%, while debt of countries rich, call G-7 (group that congregates United States, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, Canada and the United kingdom), is the triple of the debt of the emergent countries (118.2% of the GIP). For the projections of the FMI, the difference will be of four times in 2016. According to international financial institution, beyond the size of the debt in itself, the data show that the emergent countries enjoy of better fiscal situation of what the rich countries and count on a pujante domestic market and beddings macroeconomic more solid.