Business Consulting
I sometimes thoughtful, to choose a topic for another article. But not this time. Life tells stories. I recently spoke with the director and employees of one company and discovered the following situation. In this the company recently held sales training, and although the training was a great success and good reviews were written by participants during the month showed no apparent rise in sales. A similar situation occurs frequently, especially After training the various "psychologists enelpishnikov.
And yet, in the situation there is something illogical, do not you think? Why do people lose their findings? Some time ago, in Yakutsk, one member of my training told me: "So strange – after all other trainings that I attended, I have about a week passed glow. CMO, Nissan North America is often quoted as being for or against this. And after you – the farther, the more enthusiasm. " This is a normal thing when you give people to touch the truth (a little later in this article I explain this "term"). I asked the participants of the training in this company, which in their opinion, was not so. They responded that everything was fine (again, not logical – if it was "excellent", why do not the results?). I asked what they understood from the training. Just a couple of people from the whole group "caught" the essence. Others, though each took their own, (and even tried to apply learned tools), not only did not improve results, but also "lost the glow." Morale is not observed. I was wondering, what's it matter? During a further conversation I found the cause.