Brazil Republic
We recognize that it is the publication, in 1970, of Revolution of 1930: historiografia and history, of Boris Fausto, the watershed between the paradigms ' ' national-desenvolvimentista' ' ' ' uspiano' '. The work of Fausto brought a new interpretation for the history of Brazil Republic that, a priori, firmly denied the idea of bourgeois revolution in the country; as we can confirm soon in the first lines of its book, where the author affirms that its analyses concerning the Revolution of 1930 are the results of its ' ' … effort of historical revision of the First Republic that it looks to show to the inconsistency of a model corrente' ' (FAUSTO, 1997:7), in its thesis, this model inconsistente would be supported on a dualista theory, where the opposition between the agrarian sector and the bourgeoisie urban-industrial would have allowed the ascension of this to the power, or same the proper event of October of 1930 would be characterized while a revolution of the middle classes. They are configured, in such a way, the objects of the critical faustiana, the bourgeois revolution or the dualista interpretation. In the preface to the 1997 edition, Boris Fausto, defends the validity of its teses front to the critical ones that they accuse its interpretation to move away from game politician the popular classrooms. Of form that, for the author, the dualista interpretation, of class representative type, is based on reducionistas formularizations, therefore ' ' … does not give account of the direction of the revolutionary episode of October of 1930' ' (FAUSTO, 1997:11), given that, mainly, in the hypothesis of ascension of the industrial bourgeoisie what would be in game would be to a model of historical reading, of which if it appropriated the PCB, of character ' ' etapista' ' where if it would affirm, scientifically, the ticket in Brazil of the escravismo to the capitalism by means of the Revolution of 1930, and consequently, through the forged alliance between bourgeoisie and work force that the falling of trees of the feudal politics practised by the agrarian imperialista sector made possible, was headed, now, to the socialism, such which the European model.