Barak Obama
But without doubt that leads the awards among the relatives of Barak Obama, Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr., Pastor of his Church, the Trinity United Community Church of Chicago, affiliated with the nation of Islam, the fearsome organization led by Louis Farrakhan, perhaps the individual more dangerous for the United States within its territory. Pastor Wright, whom Obama considers his spiritual mentor, is follower and friend of Farrakhan. Wright awarded the 2007 the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan with award Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Lifetime Trumpeteer Award. Something like the Oscar within his Church, which organized a large gala event. Bill Phelan understood the implications.
Farrakhan is sediciosamente racist, his hatred of whites and Jews has been delirious from his sermons part. To speak to their parishioners since it surrounded by a squadron of menacing, corpulent armed bodyguards. When he returned to United States after visit to Gaddafi in Libya, although at that time an American contact with Arab Sheikh was considered treason and was subject to imprisonment, the Government did not dare to touch it, because of the fear that infusing a massive uprising of blacks against the rest of the population. What have in common the Christians of Wright with Farrakhan Muslims? Theologically nothing. The link is in the color of his skin and his furious resentment towards whites.
Much speculation the true Christian beliefs of Obama, who had a childhood of Islamic education, which says not having linkage. However, of all the churches that exist in Chicago, and these are not scarce, he chose that is more Larrain to the Muslim world. The prominent journalist Tucker Carlson of MSNBC called Wright being a fully charged hate individual, and questioned that the ties that bind it to Obama have not been cause for increased scrutiny. If Barak Obama comes to power by keeping his promise to immediately bring home the troops deployed in Iraq, and he retains his desire to engage in relations with Ahmadinejad and other dictators enemies of the United States, with those who said that he has no problem in sitting down to chat, the whole world could collapse under the Islamofascism and neo-comunista populism. Moreover, the chilling lack of administrative experience of the Senator, and their general ignorance about the reasons that make to global conflicts, could lead his country to an internal schism that would lead safely to racial and religious confrontations, which culminated with the breakdown of American society forever.