Alcntara Garden
Not necessary nor to speak that after that local hospitals and UPA s will not have staff enough to take care of the population. That is, these problems need to be decided. Solving these small irregularities, the local hospitals were perhaps freer. Giving continuity to the day of SHAME CARE WITH THE HOLES. The Street Jose Mendona De Campos, one of the main ones, where they pass hundreds daily of> cars, vans, trucks and bus, as of the means of transportation the White Rooster, it is impassable. It looks at that it does not need to rain to notice this. It sees one of the stretches: Photo: Philip SouzRua Jose Mendona De Campos – Coluband – Is Gonalo – RIO DE JANEIRO This scene if repeats throughout the way, is many holes.
HOLES that do not finish more. It is easy to acquire knowledge using of automobiles on the necessity of inspection of the cars, new tires, that everything in its vehicle must be OK, but you are welcome advances if the conditions of the ways do not offer security. Precarious, buraqueira signalling, points of improvised buses, without protection, absence of identification of the streets. Of pra to see the size of the INDIFFERENCE. Bigger SHAME still, to cover the sun with the bolter.
It notices in the main highway, that of the access the ways most important, binding Are Gonalo and Niteri, Highway Amaral Peixoto, quarter Alcntara Garden, simply exists a workmanship of extension and creation of a seedbed, that one destroyed bus point. It looks at AUTHORITY, I I have vocs penalty, had made the seedbed, they had removed the bus point and they had not tarred the access street and nor if it wants had covered the holes of the main way. SHAMEFUL this: Photo: Philip SouzRodovia Amaral Peixoto – Alcntara Garden – Is Gonalo – RIO DE JANEIRO In this same Highway, contrary direction, we find the accesses completely flooded, and with a water wastefulness nonsense, where he had a disruption of the tubing. TO THE AUTHORITIES OF THEY ARE GONALO: he is ugly not to recognize the incapacity, is ugly to leave to ask for helps the too much authorities, to ask for resources, to invest in what it is really necessary. The people of Is Gonalo is crying e, still thus, has hope. Vocs would have to look the best ones, the success cases, to follow a way, exactly knowing that it is a long and interminable way. If it cannot be part of a workmanship to decorate the entrance of a place and to abandon its soul. To abandon the people who live there. TO THE SUPERIORS OF THE AUTHORITIES OF THEY ARE GONALO: please, they look at, they fiscalize, is public money. The people daqui pay taxes, as all excessively, all possess equal necessities. We recognize the growth sped up in the place, we know of the difficulties, but they do not forget themselves people. However, we believe a solution and therefore I congregated this small content. They are Gonalo, as well as Niteri very it was affected in this last rain, but nor therefore the public and essential services can leave to desire. She is necessary to recognize and to correct small imperfections, as the holes and signallings in the streets, the selective collection, making the user to have conscience of its garbage since its residence and its final destination, as well as the importance of the contribution of each one.