First Fair Aeronautics
Manufacturers and vendors of the aeronautical sector will meet in Seville, on a biennial basis, in an important business meeting.Sevilla will take aeronautics of Spain with this Aeronautics fair in 2012 the first fair, the city has established itself as the third pole of this industry in Europe, this important event will take place in the Palace of exhibitions and congresses and will differ from other European events of the stature of Le Bourget (France) and Farnborough (United Kingdom) that will not host aerial displays or presentation of new aircraft, but exclusively a business forum in order to reach trade agreements. Our hotels in Seville will open a special offer to attendees at this event, with special conditions for them. The original name of the same will be Aerospace & Defense Meetings Seville (ADM), and the date of celebration is has been fixed between 19 and 22 March 2012. It is expected that more than 300 participants, half of Spain and the other half from outside attend the same. Among them, large manufacturers such as EADS, Airbus, Boeing, Embraer and Bombardier. Studies program at ADM photography Cuartoscuro waiter at fair job offers the Museum of fine arts offers a walk through the myth and the reality of the Museum of fine arts offers a walk through the myth and reality to Hotel Monte Triana review. Chris Rich Burkehill often addresses the matter in his writings.