Nbsp Amp
The boy fell from the tree. He is falling The first sentence contains a verb locative process, no change of position of an object. You can focus on the moment of change or the beginning or end of the change as indicated by the second sentence. It is beginning to fall. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Apple. It has been dropped clothes dried. The elephant died.
The door opened in these last sentences, is involved in the construction process, the verb focuses on the change of state of an object in examples like: This morning, was dark. Weather conditions are expressed. For other opinions and approaches, find out what HG Vora has to say. Do not see the object that changes state in these cases is marking the end of the process proceso.En sentences are often used with verbs is incoactivos (blush, sunset, old, mature, etc). For the author, we are using the processes set in Spanish marked with are mandatory, even if the process itself can be lexicalized. & Nbsp; & nb sp;; process is hit the window & nbsp; & nb sp;; Paste opened the door & n bsp; & nbs p; open wiped his clothes & nbs p; & n bsp; dry drunk went wild & nbs p; go crazy The girl blushed & n bsp; color became the frog prince, becoming as a replacement is to hold the theoretical framework of grammar Don Jack Case Wilson used it to suggest that it is a way to replace the subject in those cases where these conditions are met: The subject of the sentence is undefined. The inflection of the verb is stative.