Money Money
This is a reality of the present, all complains in them that we do not have money to make one definitive activity. If you find that she is because you earn little, then completely is made a mistake. Its expenditures are consonant what you earn, and fit it to it itself to all control the money that enters and leaves its wallet. Certainly already it happened to it, when he is to the colloquy with a prospect its and super is interested in its chance of business and to say – it that it cannot sign because it does not have money in the pocket to invest. Wise person who 99% of the people who had gained would crowd it last 5 years had met in a worse situation to the one of what already they were? The factor to earn little is not justification for the bad financial control, you has to learn to manage its money is 500? , 1000? or 10.000? , to this calls Financial Education. I go to count a brief event to you of one of my partners of business, it was to make an excellent work in its company of Marketing of Net, but it was always to never say me that it had great profits and that the account of it was always the zeros.
I asked to it that expenditures had every month so that none never sobrasse money. it said me, good I have bought some courses and this finishes for reducing everything completely what I earn in my business. Unhappyly this happens with immense people, is not for buying many courses or products, therefore an investment for the personal development will have been considered will go to have the return of this money later, but what it happens is the opposite, for times they buy courses and products alone for being interesting and nor are used nor practised with the had value. Who says courses or products online says another thing any, if not to make a good management of our monthly prescription, we will go to be always with the empty pockets. It knows because she is that most of the people who give up a business from house? It is not for not gaining money? because they spend EVERYTHING. Solution? I am here for helping, if you want to be rich in the Internet its Financial Education you are the base of everything. I invite to it to read it an extraordinary book on Financial Education. ' ' THE MAN RICHEST OF THE BABILNIA' ' he will be able to make download here.
After you reading this book, he will be capable to know its financial condition exactamente, and thus he will only know what he can save, what he can spend and what can invest. Here he is what I started to make, and where the results had been fantastic until today. – And in the day 1 of each month writes in a leaf all the expenditures and profits. ALL! – Care Has, therefore 20% of what you earn you represent unexpected expenditures, therefore keep to these 20% go certainly them to use in any height of the month. – To have an account where you do not possess cards, checks, Internet banking. – 10% Place of what you earn in this account (Way Saving), will be able later to use this money for investments. After knowing how much they earn? How much They spend? It will be much more easy to live? They have one day Fantastic! Fbio Pine