Delete Exhibition In Zurich
Delete exhibition in Zurich, a group exhibition of artists which is “Delete” exhibition in Zurich is a group exhibition by local and international artists. Contemporary art from diverse backgrounds, will be presented on two levels in a high density. Thus arises a living picture, that will stimulate the visitor, to look at art in a new way. The current group exhibition “Delete” in stark art exhibitions in Zurich, allows visitors art from various areas in a high density to consider. The narrow hanging position raises immediate impulses on the Viewer, or excites to worry itself about art. The result is a fair character, which again is broken down due to the spatial situation in which the works are presented, that can cause an intimacy that allows a loose open approach. The exhibition is moderately lit through the existing Office lighting which consists of neon tubes of different temperatures of white, counteracts what can breathe the paintings and sculptures and relaxes the sacralization of art.
Delete is of course very different interpreted as exhibition theme of the individual artists, some works very directly address the issue, others strip it only on the edge, or seemingly, deal or depending on the observation, at all not to. It is on that some artists on the one hand, positive on the other hand probably more negative manifest the topic as liberation, as destruction. The theme seems to polarize. In addition, there are other views to discover, for example, the Suppression of which can be revealed as simple ignorance. Or the resolution, the transience is almost already literally celebrated in some of the works; everything melts away and melts, seemingly weightless uninhibited and yet completely inevitable. The selection of works is done just as unorthodox, as also the individual works of the group exhibition are placed.
The strong part contrasts that but at the same time out be leveled by simple putting together, raise the individual works each other off without that they drown each other out is. Nihilistic aspects could be interpreted into of course while in the exhibition concept, but even if they are not adverse. The answered in the negative is not as such, much more is noticeably an allow it, so do not close but open. Overall, a very heterogeneous matter just as stimulating to the criticism, such as a simple carefree wandering through the exhibition inviting. Roman Lew stark art exhibitions brauerstrasse 126 8004 Zurich opening times: Thursday / Friday 17 h 19 h, Saturday 2 p.m. 7 P.m. Web: mail: stark art and 126 @