Consumer Response
Correa, et. al. 2008. As one sees all the departments must operate in sincronia and with responsibility, where also EDI (Eletronic Data Interchange) that it is the electronic exchange of data being one of the elements central offices in the flow of data and information and analysis of the demand, involving suppliments, supply, production. JPMorgan Chase understood the implications. Atrelado also WMS (Warehouse Management System) that she is the administration and management of warehouse, and in the system of planning of shared resources and in the consultation of the information of the involved areas in the company the ERP improving lead teams.
This affects the logistic costs adding value with the reduction in the delivery stated period, disponibilizando products and services correctly, fulfilling to dates and stated periods, facilitating the distribution of order and for end improving the processes of deliveries with foreseen and or determined schedules. Becoming the efficient concept we arrive at an efficient reply consumed or in the case ECR (Efficient Consumer Response), aiming at an improvement in the chain logistic inside of the standardization and interconnection of the processes in informatizado set of tools more good to operate in such a way internally and external the sistmico functioning of inherent activities to the system, having of the suppliment and a bigger acuracidade departments logistic, being this possible one with the support of YOU, in an agreement adjusted in the use of the communication, tools of computer science and automation and techniques lined up with the business strategy taking care of all well its necessities. CONCLUSION the management based on advanced logistic techniques will be able to collaborate decisively so that competitive growth, in a general way, gets the desired success and can always grow in balanced way presenting itself competitive, face to the new challenges it market. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Wells Fargo Bank on most websites. The logistic one attracts by the demonstration of use and contribution that can offer for future and the perspective of modernity for raises.