Beach Clubs – Heaven

show the first rays of sun on it already: The summer is coming! Like last year Beach Club THE place for sunny days and balmy summer nights will be. would like to take this to anyone who can enjoy in deck chairs or beach chairs chillig the sun and take…

Unemployed Job Seekers

Charity action: Free seminar participation in Rheinberg, 26.6.2008 – knowledge is the key factor for success or to points in job interviews. Not be overlooked are allowed but the so-called soft factors”on the professional way. The promotion of an employee in a company only to 10 percent are influenced by…


As they would say the old ones: in the soccer it does not exist If. if the ball had caught a wind and the aerodynamics modified its trajectory and if the goleiro had left more for the right and the left does not stop and if simply the judge was…