Coaching For Business

Many people have asked me if it’s coaching for business is just another fad of the journals of management. Will it help to actually improve business performance or is it a nonsense? a Whose depends functioning or not? The truth is that it depends almost entirely on you. If you…

Soda Water Machines In Russia

I would like to talk about bread. Now the summer heat, we're all human and we want to drink. Options to quench your thirst set, juice water, soda, etc. I, as someone who grew up in the USSR, where the choice of drinks was little bit poor, as well as…


Intelligence makes a trial deformed themselves in positive, that drags to feel the center of everything, an enthusiasm that is personal idolatry. Are also reminded that there are two types of pride; one that is lived as a passion, which implies an excessive, passionate, ardent, affection that becomes so intense…

Affective Intelligence

But there is also an appeal to the candidates themselves cede to his rationalistic claims and seek in their attitudes and made personal stories that allow them to connect with their emotions in way to transmit them directly to the electorate, rather than strive hard and complex speeches and rational…

Emotional Intelligence

The past has fled, what you expect is absent, but the present is yours. All of us present in this planet Earth with this form in order to seize the opportunity of life that it has bequeathed us, know that we invaded emotions that give way to the feelings and…

Emotional Intelligence

At the beginning of our life when we are still dependents and apprentices, we evaluated to measure the helpful we can be for society. They call it skills tests, or test of intelligence, or similar things. First thing that I would like to clarify, that a test is just that…

Spiritual Intelligence

How to describe the process of these years lived? Trying to write in the words of a dualistic language that limits?, only I can do it from the broad vision that integrates, which transcends, a vision that encompasses, which remains, that contemplates and moving; only from holism could express it…