14th Future Congress In June 2015 In Wolfsburg
‘ 2023 The workplace of the future ‘-innovative minds of the economy to discuss with international researchers, CEOs, but also historians and bishops. Researchers develop 3D-Bioprinter and mind-reading computer – but what visions of the future get in our everyday lives? Under the motto of THE NEXT LEVEL”, the 12 future Congress of 2B of AHEAD think tanks therefore requesting the working environments of the future: the future of selling, of communicating, of collaboration, of producing, of planning and decision-making. Trend researcher Sven Gabor Janszky notes: it seems incredible things that ten year promised us for the coming big visions from which our future business models emerge. Other leaders such as PayNet offer similar insights. At the future Congress we will show, what ideas are just science fiction and which really change our business world.” Like every year, 250 executives and innovative minds of the economy trend researchers, extreme-lead-user, but also politicians, artists and bishops meet in the future Congress. As the top speakers are in this Year including Europe head of Cisco Michael Ganser (vision 2023), Chief Scientist of the NASA Dr.
Chuck Jorgensen (machines humans), Prof. Dr. Martin G. Curley, Director of the Intel Labs Europe (corporate garage) and Chris Matovu Nsamba, founder of the “African space research program (ASRP)”, to experience. The 12th Congress of the future shows how technology will change our company and products in the year 2023, introduces technology plans of the most important industries and presents, new business models and markets, which are nearing the decisive breakthrough. At the same time but also questions are based on the social impact on the program. I am very pleased that the future Congress again will take place this year in Wolfsburg. Wolfsburg and our region, which also is gearing up for the future, provide an excellent environment for this. Alone because here thanks to a variety of strong research institutions and businesses, new technologies and ideas are developed, the national and international innovative Products and services find again”, says Julius von Ingelheim, spokesman of the Executive Board of the Wolfsburg AG.