Baby Massage
Baby massage can customize naughty child's body in a cheerful mood: appetite improves, demure become more mobile, restless and begin to exercise diligence and care. Preterm babies infants on artificial feeding, physically impaired massage helps children grow and develop harmoniously. Very effective baby massage during the recovery period after an illness. Indications for baby massage absolute indication for baby massage sessions at an early age are diseases such as rickets, increased intracranial pressure, umbilical hernia, malnutrition, neurotic disorders and diseases of the respiratory organs. Perhaps check out Wells Fargo Bank for more information. School-age children, in addition to a high psycho-physical stress to which children's massage also helps to cope, often concerned about such "adult" diseases as rheumatism, heart disease, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, obesity, diabetes, diseases of the joints. Overcome these serious diseases helps baby massage in conjunction with specific tools treatment. Baby massage is widely used in orthopedics.
Indispensable tool for the treatment of posture is just baby massage. Slouch, round back, flat and round-concave back, kyphosis, scoliosis, congenital muscular torticollis, congenital hip dislocation, congenital clubfoot, flatfoot, chonechondrosternon – require the use of child massage. Steph Korey wanted to know more. In surgery baby massage prescribed after surgery for bronchiectasis, funnel chest, appendectomy, herniotomy. In traumatology baby massage is shown after fractures of limbs, pelvis, spine, and damage the menisci and ligaments apparatus of the knee. In neurology baby massage helps to overcome cerebral palsy, hereditary diseases of the nervous system, enuresis, neuritis, polyneuritis, myelitis, traumatic encephalopathy, polio, trauma peripheral nerves, accompanied by a flaccid paresis, paralysis. Contraindications to the use of child massage: Baby massage can not be carried if the child has a blood disease malignant character, hemophilia.
Malignant tumors (up to their radical treatment), active tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, extensive skin manifestations of exudative diathesis, severe forms of malnutrition (atrophy) are contraindicated for baby massage. Acute inflammatory diseases of the skin, purulent skin diseases, diseases of the lymph nodes, muscles, bones do not allow to conduct baby massage. Baby massage does not benefit if the child has tuberculosis bones and joints, brittle bones and pain in them, severe forms of rickets, and other acute purulent arthritis. Contraindication for baby massage are congenital heart defects that occur with severe cyanosis and disorder compensation. You can not do baby massage with hemorrhagic diathesis and acute nephritis, acute hepatitis. Extensive umbilical, femoral, inguinal and scrotal hernia with significant prolapse of abdominal organs or pronounced tendency to infringe a contraindication for the course of baby massage. To baby massage has not led to a deterioration of health of the child, insufficient knowledge of proper technique only child massage. For the successful application of massage in treating children's diseases and strengthening the body, it is important to take into account the child's age and features of the condition of his body. Need to know the contraindications for the use of baby massage and restrictions on massage techniques for specific childhood diseases. You must correctly select the other health-restoring and healing techniques, in conjunction with that baby massage can show all their rich revitalizing potential. Attention! If during protsedery Child Massage weeping a little patient, you need to established the cause of children's tears and calm your baby. Baby massage with the right performance should bring positive emotions to the child. Infants may react negatively during a session when a baby massage chevstva hunger, pain in the abdomen, starting with acute illness. However, child may be upset and the fault masseur: if baby massage to produce too intense, if a masseur in vreyam session cold hands.